Okay so I’m about to release a huge secret that might make you stop what you are doing and cause you to put your hand over your mouth. I ask that you please don’t judge me for it but instead have an open mind and laugh with me about it. After all, God created us all different, right? Or maybe he just chose to make me the only person in the world who has this quality…or at least that’s the way I feel….I’m an outsider. So…… I DO NOT drink COFFEE. Take a few seconds and take it all in. You can call me crazy or just plain weird. I know you are probably freaking out at this point. Yes, I’m probably the ONLY person in Atlanta who has never had a full cup of it. My consumption of this black substance has only been about 5 ounces in my entire life! What is it about this black liquid that people are nuts about? I’m not sure why I don’t care for it since I grew up around my mom making a pot every morning and every night. I have even tried it with cream, sugar, etc….but it just doesn’t float my boat. It seems millions of people and all of Atlanta can’t function without it. Now, I might have to write a new post in about 5 years when I have 3 young children waking me up at 6:30am every day. But for now I’m perfectly okay with not having the bold and bitter taste in my mouth. Here are some quick facts about coffee…….
- Worldwide, more than 1400 million cups of coffee are consumed everyday
- Coffee has been used as a beverage for over 700 years
- It takes 40 coffee beans to make an expresso
What are your weird qualities? I know we all have them! I will embrace my rare quality of an Atlantian with a smile on my face. Thanks for accepting me for who I am. God sure does and I love him for it!