So, I forgot to mention that Atlanta is not the safest area for a single female and one bedrooms can be pretty pricey. My mother suggested a roommate and I informed her that everyone I knew in the area was either married, living with their fiancĂ© or has had the same roommate for years. I was so stressed and saddened about the situation. I had to find somewhere to move quickly because my storage unit would run up in October. So, I let go of the frustration and asked God to help me through this situation…all I could do was pray about it. And boy did he answer the prayer fast!
Only hours later I was at Barnes & Noble (my new home) when I heard someone from a distance call my name. I turned to see Julie, a girl I hadn’t seen in years! We both cheered together our freshman year at Georgia College and now here she was only feet away. We quickly began catching up on each other’s lives and I asked her to spread the word to her friends that I was looking for a roommate. Well, to my surprise Julie was actually experiencing some crazy times in her life as well. We both could relate to the fact that we felt like nomads living out of our Vera Bradley bags and were ready to settle down somewhere fast. We filled each other in on the past few years and visited apartments the very next morning.
Julie and I have now found a place to live and are super excited about moving in together. We have so much in common and are ready to embark on our new journey. Isn’t it amazing that the Lord works in such mysterious ways? Here He was bringing someone back into my life after 6 YEARS just at the right moment. And to make things even better Julie is such a wonderful Christian woman. I know He placed her back in my life to help encourage me on my new walk with GOD. My experience has helped me to realize that prayer is such a powerful thing. So, Thank you Lord for bringing Julie into my life and for watching over me. You never fail to amaze me! THANK YOU LORD for answered prayers!
" Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours." Mark 11:24