It's now fall and that means football season at its best! Football is the ultimate definition of the South! Southerners live and breathe football! As a young girl I grew up attending games at Paulson Stadium rooting on the Eagles and therefore, learned at an early age how important it was to our culture down here! I was blessed enough to cheer for one of the best high school teams in the state and then one of the best college teams in the nation! Go Devils and Tigers! I guess being on the sideline was the closest I could get to the field:) I even found myself intrigued at the team behind the team and decided to get my Masters in Sport Management! When that didn't satisfy my passion, I went on to work as a recruiting assistant for GSU football and then in football operations for the Jacksonville Jaguars! It was clear that I loved football! Don't we all? What is it about waking up with the sun just to begin tailgating hours before the actual game or making sure that everything we have on is the color of our team? Or perhaps buying tickets a year in advance to make sure we get to see the rivalry game of the year? Something about those Saturdays in the fall define what it truly means to be Southern!
Well, I never thought I would say "Goooo Dawgs", but found myself doing so after my sister became a cheerleader at the University of Georgia. She decided not to try out again this year so I went over to Athens to go to a game with her! I had loads of fun and although I found myself yelling for the red and black,I know in my heart I will always bleed orange and blue. But for the time being it was a football game and that was all that mattered!
Well, I never thought I would say "Goooo Dawgs", but found myself doing so after my sister became a cheerleader at the University of Georgia. She decided not to try out again this year so I went over to Athens to go to a game with her! I had loads of fun and although I found myself yelling for the red and black,I know in my heart I will always bleed orange and blue. But for the time being it was a football game and that was all that mattered!